Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rough it up- Peter Brook

For my class in Makers of Modern Theater, I have expanded to include Peter Brook, Tadashi Suzuki, Augusto Boal. There is a definite lack in the area of contemporary theorists, especially non-white, non-male theorists.

Nevertheless, I set my class to exploring Brook's concepts of Deadly Theater, Holy Theater, Rough Theater, and Immediate Theater.

One of my students embraced the idea of Deadly, as in "deadly dull" theater, and applied it heartily (quoting Brook) to Shakespeare. Then the student went on to say that Shakespeare was older than dirt and it was time to move past that shit.

I wish I had a chance to work with that student with Shakespeare.

Even though Brook found much of the lauded Shakespeare to be deadly, he himself made a name creating Rough/Immediate productions of Shakespeare's plays. I think that Shakespeare is so often done badly, it's hard for anyone to appreciate it. But people pretend, because they don't want to be thought "stupid".

Thursday, April 26, 2012

finding actors

If you post it, they will come.
I have never had difficulty in finding actors. Of course, I was specializing for a number of years in youth artistry in the theater, and so finding young people interested in exploring theater arts was never a problem. I was connected with 4-H and with homeschooling organizations, so with just a few posts I was usually inundated with actors.
Recently, I have been thinking about moving on to adult actors. This may prove more challenging. One of my friends is posting on Facebook about the practice currently of asking actors to work for free. Now, granted, he concedes that if *no one* is getting paid, it is fair to ask that actors are  also volunteers. This is almost a necessity with new material or new organizations. However, as the organization moves on, actors should be benefitting along with the rest of the company.
Perhaps it's time to go back to the shareholder model of Shakespeare's day?
I think my friend's posts are relevant, not only for those who hire actors, but also for the actors themselves. Actors need to think twice before giving it away.
I will have to muse on this and reflect on my budgetting experiences with my past theatrical endeavors.

Award winning!

My daughter of Little Pixie Magic fame has honored me with the Versatile Blogger Award.

I am delighted and grateful. Thank you!

Now, to get to the responsibilities of being a VBA winner.

First, to thank the talented and brilliant blogger, Beth of Little Pixie Magic. Beth, your writing inspires me far more often than you know!

Then, 7 things about myself. Mostly connected to theater, some personal:

1. I am a Bardophile. Not really a Bardolator. My first theater experiences were with Shakespeare and Taming of the Shrew. Truly, theatrical genius, from the sublime to the ridiculous- sometimes in the same play.

2.  I love dirty jokes and puns. Another reason to love Shakespeare.

3. I love the audience! I also have great respect for the audience.

4. I love the moment a new play/idea/line reading/moment grabs you and twists your vision and perspective.

5. When I give notes- or when I am playing "The Professor," when I lecture- there is an element of stand up comedy.

6. Theater feeds your mind and heart and soul- and, if I am your director, I feed your body.

7. Personal: Thanks to FB Friend MTST, I now have a name for it: I am a sapiosexual.

Then, nominate 15 bloggers for the VBA. My blog reading tends to be sporadic, beyond my top few. I hope I can come up with 15!

Note: I read a number of the same blogs as does my daughter- therefore, if you've already been awarded the VBA, you mustn't feel compelled to come up with *another* 15 blogs due to my nominating you!

1. I am always eagerly awaiting the next installment of A Little Pixie Magic. Sometimes amusing, sometimes provocative, sometimes inspiring, always worthwhile.

2. Adventures of Megan   Adventures of my friend Meg- a smart girl with heart, whose wit is sometimes wise and sometimes tart.

3. Scatterbrained in Southeast Asia
I hope that we will read more installments from this traveler. A unique take on a unique adventure.

4. Jake's Israel Journal
Another traveler. No posts in a while- I hope to read more soon.

5. Tell It Away
Honest and searching, these posts are always worthwhile.
6. Brand New Day
One of the bravest women I know, on a unique journey of discovery of life as a transgender woman. It is a privilege to be able to share in the journey of my friend.
7. Murf Magic
Another brave soul successfully wrestling with demons. Murf fosters growth for himself- and for beautiful botanicals!
8. Ink Spot
Ink Spot is a highly creative and thought-provoking designer and woman.

9. Altucher Confidential
I stumbled on this wide-ranging blog from a self-identified autistic.

10. Post Secret
A window on so many souls. Sometimes heart-wrenching and sometimes gut-busting (with laughter, people).
11. Best in Class
Amusing musing- discovered when my daughter was featured.
12. Born Storyteller
Educator, artist, writer.

13. Rants and Mutters
Educator, thinker and Guiness-drinker.

14. PhD comics -
Also known as: Piled Higher and Deeper. Not sure if this is a blog? But I sure do enjoy it.

15. The Bloggess
Irreverant and brash. Uncensored.