Friday, January 25, 2013

art vs. commerce

I need to come back to this. If you have thoughts, by all means share them.

I'm back!

I'm back! In more ways than one.

I'm back to this blog. I have quite a list of topics for this year. My friend LB is interested in doing Shakespeare in the park. I've done several different summers in different parks producing Shakespeare, so I told my friend I'd address this topic. I like talking Shakespeare. I do. I really do.

I'm back directing. I just directed a wonderful staged reading of Beth Kander's award winning play Scrambled in Flint. I am lined up to direct another of Beth's plays, Unshelved, in another state with my son's theater company (more details and links once this is official). So I am back to working theater with my kids!

AND I'm about to start directing The Good Person of Szechuan for Full Impact Theater, the teen theater company formerly known as Michigan Youth Theater-

in other words, I'm back with the company I founded more than a dozen years ago.

Stay tuned!